a milestone that matters


Full body portrait of beautiful young woman in dusty rose colored shirt
Portrait of beautiful young woman smiling and looking away from camera
portrait of high school senior sitting of concrete bench
beautiful female high school senior sitting on white handrail
high school senior female kneeling on one knee with sunsetting in background
Beautiful high school senior female smiling at camera
Female high school senior sitting on handrail of concrete stairs
high school senior female leaning on lamp post with sun setting in background
Beautiful high school female touchng iron fence

Capturing Milestones you will cherish for a lifetime...

High school female sitting on paved footpath
Beautiful female high school senior leaning on old moss covered oak tree
Female high school senior sitting on mossy footpath
Beautiful outdoor portrait of female high school senior sitting in tall straw colored grass field
Beautiful female high school senior standing in shade of old moss covered oak tree
high school senior sitting on rail of foot bridge
Female high school senior with arms extended in celebration
Female high school senior jumping with joy and delight
Female high school senior sitting on foot bridge
Beautiful female high school senior kneeling on one knee
High school senior posing with mother sister with Upper Table Rock in the background
female high school senior posing on the bank of the Rogue River
beautiful female high school senior posing next to an oak tree and the Rogue River
Beautiful female high school senior walking through tall straw colored grass field
portrait of smiling female high school senior sitting on a park bench at Touvelle State Park
Portrait of female high school senior posing with younger sister in grassy field at Touvelle State Park
Smiling female high school senior leaning over hand rail with drum sticks in hand
smiling female high school senior, holding drum sticks with arms crossed